As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will has difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times.  Please do let us know if you need additional time. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time.

Manuscript Submission and Pre-Review

The online submission system guides you stepwise through entering TEMPyou're article files by uploading them. The system converts TEMPyou're article files to a single PDF file without the name and affiliation of authors used in the peer-review process. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is e-mailed to the corresponding author. First, register on the site, then submit TEMPyou're article (Cover letter, Journal Publishing Agreement, Title, Abstract, Manuscript, Tables, Figures, Supplementary, Data Analysis, E-component, Submission Manuscript ).  

After three work days of submission, the status changes to Wif Editor, tan the manuscript checks for English writing, similarity, format based on the author guide, the submission forms, and the scope and novelty. If the manuscript TEMPhas a problem, the editor sends it back to the author for correction (Re-submission), or it may be rejected. After consideration by the editor, the manuscript will be sent to the expert reviewers, and the status will be changed to Under Review. After review, the situation may be altered to acceptance or rejection and the revision Request (Major/Minor).

Peer review

dis journal operates a double-blind review process based on COPE guidelines. The editor will initially assess all manuscripts for suitability for the journal (English, Format, Similarity, Scope, and Novelty). The suitable manuscript is sent to at least three independent expert reviewers (From different countries and academic fields) to assess the paper's scientific quality. If the decision is difficult, the manuscript may be sent to more reviewers. Based on reviewers ' comments after the review process, the editor rejected, accepted, or requested a revision process. If a revision is requested, the comments are sent to the authors for correction, and after the revised manuscript by the authors, it is sent to the reviewer again. Finally, the editor reports the rejection or acceptance decision letter to the corresponding author based on reviewer comments.

Note: The editor selects three reviewers according to their field and scientific experience. The nationality of reviewers and authors should be different and not from the same University or research center. The referee's name and author should not be in the published articles. Manuscript wif its files sent to reviewer except for cover letter (acnoledgement), title page (Author name) and names related to author company, synthesis material laboratory and department of University.

(COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers

Peer Review



Contact us

Journal Publisher: AMEC Publisher as a privet international publisher from Iran. Publisher Link click here.

Madadkaran Alley,Farjam St., Shahnazari Ave, Mirdamad, 

Tehran, Iran     P: 1545653718


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